People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) [PETA is an animal rights organization located in Norfolk City of Virginia, U.S. PETA is a global leader. As a nonprofit organization with nearly 400 employees, PETA claims to be the world's largest animal rights group, with 6.5 million members and supporters. PETA's motto is "animals are not for us to eat, wear, experiment on, entertain or abuse in any way”. The [Be Kind to Animals Association] runs a fundraising program based on the premise that animals should be treated with kindness and dignity, to enhance the coexistence of animal welfare and human welfare in harmony through educational activities.

Taipei Animal Shelter

Taipei Animal Shelter, a part of Taipei City Animal Protection Office, is located in the Neihu District of Taipei City and is responsible for the sheltering, adoption, neutering, medical rescue, regular screening and management of stray animals and wild animals, and animal shelter education and promotion in Taipei City. It also provides group cremation service for deceased pets.

Sustainable Development

Public resources, adoption philosophy, pet-friendly spaces

BE KIND & Unite!

Sanyu Elementary School - Sanyu Team