The internal pressures faced by animal shelters are mainly related to understaffing, too many animals, long hours of operation, low adoption rates, the financial situation of the shelter, the nature of the work, the pressure from the board of directors and the relationship with colleagues; while the external pressures are the lack of public awareness and understanding of the work of the shelter, the relationship with other people and animals, the lack of understanding of the work by family and friends, government regulations and administrative work, negative news from the media, and privileges of politicians and friends, etc. With the combination of internal and external pressures, shelter workers often suffer from negative symptoms such as insomnia and illness. Shelter workers are unable to build emotional relationships with people, colleagues and animals because of internal or external pressures, which in turn affects their self-worth and self-esteem, as feelings of alienation from others can reinforce isolation and lower self-worth. It is also pointed out that career choices reflect personality, and people who choose occupations related to animals are practical, usually less sociable, while the job increases their sense of isolation. However, if isolation is removed and stress is reduced, it is noted that such a job does not enhance self-worth, making it difficult for shelter workers to unravel from the situation easily.Shelter workers are exposed to high risks because they are constantly and repeatedly experiencing negative events that can increase compassion fatigue, such as the public perception that their work is inferior and undignified; poor physical environment in the shelter, such as space, noise, and light; shrinking budgets; co-workers; and the number of animals in the shelter. Of these, perhaps the most common high risk is the over-capacity of animals, which makes caring for them impossible, and many animals often end up being euthanized, adding to the psychological stress of shelter workers.
Public resources, adoption philosophy, pet-friendly spaces
Sanyu Elementary School - Sanyu Team