Watch Dog

Guard Dog

Guard dogs

Watch dogs and guard dogs were the closest animals that early man had. The history of humans and guard dogs can be traced back to the earliest guard dogs. Roman mosaics, meaning dogs with long chains (with cropped ears and broken tails), have been used as guards by humans since ancient times in the archaeological park of Lilybaeum in Marsala of Sicily. The Romans placed cave canem mosaics at the entrance of their homes to warn visitors and intruders of the presence of fierce dogs in the dwelling [4]. The first breed of dog used as a guard dog was the primitive Mastiff, called the livestock guard dog, whose function was to protect livestock from large animals such as wolves, brown bears or leopards. In Greek mythology, the two-headed dog was the guard dog of the Red Bull that guarded Geryon. Some ancient guard dogs (Bandogs may have been kept in the past) were kept close to towns, chained during the day and unchained at night to allow the dogs to roam freely to protect the village and its property. Many landlords do not like to keep dogs that can be used as guard dogs or large patrol dogs in their tenements.

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Public resources, adoption philosophy, pet-friendly spaces

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